Intricate Enchantment - Weapon Augmentation

Gem/Element Cracked (+1) Lesser (1d4) Greater (1d6) Flawless (1d8)
Ruby (Fire) 300 gp 1,000 gp 5,000 gp 50,000 gp
Sapphire (Cold) 300 gp 1,000 gp 5,000 gp 50,000 gp
Citrine (Lightning) 300 gp 1,000 gp 5,000 gp 50,000 gp
Emerald (Acid) 300 gp 1,000 gp 5,000 gp 50,000 gp
Topaz (Thunder) 300 gp 1,000 gp 5,000 gp 50,000 gp
Diamond (Force) 500 gp 1,500 gp 7,500 gp 60,000 gp
Amethyst (Psychic) 500 gp 1,500 gp 7,500 gp 60,000 gp
Onyx (Necrotic) 500 gp 1,500 gp 7,500 gp 60,000 gp

Advanced Enchantments

Enchantment Price
Lesser Luck Reroll 1s when attacking
500 gp
Lesser Brutality All 1s become 2s on the damage dice
500 gp
Lesser Sharpness/Precision Crit on 19 - 20
1,500 gp
Greater Brutality All 1s and 2s become 3s on the damage dice
1,500 gp
Greater Luck Reroll 1s/2s when attacking
1,500 gp
Greater Sharpness/Precision Crit on 18 - 20
50,000 gp
Perfect Brutality Greater Brutality + All weapon damage dice are minimum 4 once per combat
50,000 gp
Perfect Luck Can reroll 1s/2s when attacking and reroll any attack roll once per combat
50,000 gp

Weapon Enchantments

Enchantment Price
Accurate Removes disadvantage on attacks made within weapons long range
150 gp
Fast Reloading Ignore the loading quality of crossbows with which you are proficient.
150 gp
Vulnerability Choose a non-physical damage type - target loses resistance to that type or goes from immune to resistant to that type
150 gp
Blurring Twice per day you can blur your weapon to grant advantage on the attack roll (Melee weapons only)
250 gp
Returning Teleports a weapon back to the user with a bonus action
250 gp
Summoning The weapon can be summoned or desummoned with a verbal or somatic component (bonus action).
250 gp
Aim Assistance Once per round, when you miss a target, you get advantage on your next attack using this weapon vs that specific target
500 gp
Extension Grants Reach on melee weapons
500 gp
Lesser Damage Enhancement +1 damage of weapons physical damage type
500 gp
Assist Allows the user to have proficiency in the weapon
1,250 gp
Chromatic Allows the user to switch the element of the weapon as a bonus action to any of the standard elemental types (Prerequisite: Must have elemental damage as an enchantment already)
1,250 gp
Point Blank A ranged weapon with this enchantment can make an attack roll from within 5 feet without rolling at disadvantage
1,250 gp
Prismatic Allows the user to switch to any damage type except radiant (Prerequisite: Must have force/psychic/necrotic damage as an enchantment already)
1,250 gp
Vampyrism When you slay a creature of at least CR 1, you heal 2d6 HP. This cannot bring you over your maximum HP.
1,250 gp
Agile Allows a two-handed melee weapon to be wielded one-handed.
3,000 gp
Save proficiency Grants proficiency in a saving throw
3,000 gp
Greater Damage Enhancement +3 of Weapons physical damage type
10,050 gp
Perfect Save Boost +3 Saves STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA
50,000 gp

Armor Enchantments

Enchantment Price
Stabilizing Once per long rest, automatically stabilizes the user when reaching 0 HP
100 gp
Lesser Health Fortification +1 HP/level
150 gp
Weak Focus +1 on concentration saves
150 gp
Swimming Grants swim speed
125 gp
Agile Removes the sneaking penalty on armor
250 gp
Weak Arcane Infused Bonus 1st level spell slot
250 gp
Blurring Twice per day, before an attack is made against you, you can impose disadvantage on the attack.
500 gp
Summoning The armor can be summoned or desummoned with a verbal or somatic component (bonus action)
250 gp
Lesser Focus +2 on concentration saves
500 gp
Lesser Quick Footed +5 FT movement speed
500 gp
Weak Damage Reduction Physical 1/-
500 gp
Weak Elemental Fortification 3 damage reduction to a specific element
500 gp
Lesser, Secondary Save Boost +1 Saves STR/INT/CHA - pick one
1,000 gp
Greater Health Fortification +2 HP/level
1,250 gp
Lesser Arcane Infused Bonus 2nd level spell slot
1,250 gp
Lesser Damage Reduction Physical 2/-
1,250 gp
Lesser Elemental Fortification 6 damage reduction to a specific element
1,250 gp
Lesser, Primary Save Boost +1 Saves DEX/CON/WIS - pick one
2,500 gp
Resistance Gain resistance to one element (Fire/Cold/Lightning/Acid/Thunder)
2,500 gp
Greater Damage Reduction Physical 3/-
3,000 gp
Greater Focus +3 on concentration saves
3,000 gp
Greater Quick Footed +10 FT movement speed
3,000 gp
Greater Arcane Infused
5,000 gp
Greater, Secondary Save Boost Bonus 3rd level spell slot
5,000 gp
Greater Elemental Fortification +2 Saves STR/INT/CHA - pick one
10,000 gp
Perfect Health Fortification +3 HP/level
10,000 gp
Greater, Primary Save Boost 10 damage reduction to a specific element
15,000 gp
Perfect Quick Footed +15 FT movement speed
15,000 gp
Spell Expertise Grants proficiency in concentration saves. If the player already has proficiency then it grants expertise in concentration saves
15,000 gp
Perfect Arcane Infused Bonus 4th and 2nd level spell slot
25,000 gp
Perfect Damage Reduction Physical 5/-
25,000 gp
Perfect Elemental Fortification 15 damage reduction to a specific element
25,000 gp
Perfect Focus +5 on concentration saves
25,000 gp
Resilient +1 All saves, stacks with other bonuses except itself
25,000 gp
Legendary Resistance Pick one saving throw
50,000 gp

Other Enchantments

Enchantment Price
Adhesive +2 to grapple others
100 gp
Light Allows the user to make the item emit 30 ft (dim 60ft) of light; it can be turned on/off
100 gp
Slippery +2 vs saves against being grappled
100 gp
Lesser Bag of Holding Can hold up to 10 bulk of items in 1 bulk
300 gp
Lesser Skill Enhancement +1 to a skill
300 gp
Lesser Initiative Boost +1 Initiative
250 gp
Lesser Ability Enhancement +1 Stat
500 gp
Lesser Health Boost +5 Maximum HP
500 gp
Skill proficiency Grants proficiency in a skill
500 gp
Darkvision Grants Darkvision
750 gp
Greater Ability Enhancement +2 Stat
1,000 gp
Greater Bag of Holding Can hold up to 20 bulk of items in 1 bulk
1,250 gp
Greater Initiative Boost +2 Initiative
1,250 gp
Greater Health Boost +10 Maximum HP
2,500 gp
Greater Skill Enhancement +2 to a skill
2,500 gp
Skill Expertise Gain expertise in a skill (must have proficiency)
3,500 gp
Fortunate +1 All saves, stacks with other bonuses except itself
5,000 gp
Perfect Ability Enhancement +3 stat
5,000 gp
Greater, Surpassed Ability Enhancement +2 Stat, over 20
5,000 gp
Perfect Bag of Holding Can hold up to 30 bulk in 1 bulk
5,000 gp
Perfect Health Boost +20 Maximum HP
10,000 gp
Perfect Initiative Boost +3 Initiative
10,000 gp
Steady Concentration Sets the max DC for a concentration save to 30, no matter how much damage you take
10,000 gp
Perfect Skill Enhancement +3 to a skill
25,000 gp
Perfect, Surpassed Ability Enhancement +3 stat ,over 20
25,000 gp
Unlimited Ability Enhancement +1 stat, over 20, stacks
25,000 gp
Masterful +1 Proficiency Bonus
150,000 gp


Consumable Price
Spell Scrolls
1st level scroll 100 gp
2nd level scroll 250 gp
3rd level scroll 500 gp
4th level scroll 1,250 gp
5th level scroll 2,500 gp
6th level scroll 3,500 gp
7th level scroll 5,000 gp
8th level scroll 7,000 gp
9th level scroll 10,000 gp
Spell Gems
1st level gem 200 gp
2nd level gem 500 gp
3rd level gem 1,000 gp
4th level gem 2,500 gp
5th level gem 3,500 gp
6th level gem 5,000 gp
7th level gem 10,000 gp


Ability Enchantments - Accurate - Agile - Arcane Infused - Blurring - Brutality Chromatic -  Elemental Fortification - Fast Reloading - Focus - Fortunate -  Health Boost - Health Fortification - Legendary Resistance - Luck - Point Blank - Prismatic - Quick Footed - Resilient - Save Boost - Save Proficiency - Skill Enhancement - Skill Expertise - Skill Proficiency - Summoning - Stabilizing - Vampyrism - Vulnerability - Spell Gems - Spell Scrolls -

Bags of Holding

Other slots (Jewelry)

How Enchanting Works


  1. You can reduce it to its raw magical energy and condense it into a gem.  Doing this provides you with a gem equal to 25% of the enchantment’s value.

    • This takes one downtime activity per enchantment on the item to complete.

  2. You can carefully extract the contents of the enchantment into a gem.  Doing this provides you with a gem that can be used to enchant a different item with that exact same enchantment.  Due to the specific nature of these gems, they are not typically sellable to merchants.

    • This takes one downtime activity per enchantment on the item to complete.

Wands and Staves

Enchantment Tiers:

There are four different qualities of gemstones that can be used for enchantment.